Can you tell me a story? – He asked. How could I refuse to a child looking at me with those bright eyes. Well, I begun, When I was travelling along the country I used to climb the highest mountains trying to find out what was in the other side. One day, I was surprised by a beautiful woman that came across me and started asking me questions. What kind of questions? Questions about human nature, and dreams that fade away before someone has the strength to catch them and live them as their own. But this woman, I continued, She was different from the others that I’m used to see, therefore I kept on talking to her even though I was curious enough to start making my own questions as well, but she was so avid in her speech that it stopped me from inquiring her. She was pale, but in the softest kind, her hair was long and the wind was spreading her enormous curls between the trees that I couldn’t see where it ended. Was she a fairy? I guess she was. Her long transparent dress was covering the entire floor full of old leaves in such a crystal way that I thought it was a shining lake. I talked to her for a while. She put her arms around me and embraced me so hard that I felt like I was going to suffocate with such energy, but I felt safe, and I let her arms around my shoulders. The path where she had come through became soft and warm. I closed my eyes and rested for a while. When I woke up she was no longer there. Then I realized that she had never been there. I was the mysterious lady. I had that power inside me. So I continued my journey, and from that day on, I never stopped chasing my dreams. Even thought they seem awkwardly impossible to some people’s eyes …
By: PopCloud