How to pop a cloud

"Popping the Clouds" is a blog created to dream. Imagine a world where dreams could come true, and clouds could be popped like balloons. Tell a story, write a poem, share a recipe, talk about your ideas. Mention your latest book, a song, a sentence, a dream... Feel free to fly and reach the "popping clouds".

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Caramelized apple and Green beans with meat

Caramelized apple:
1 big apple
3tbsp of brown sugar (it is healthier)
1 glass of Merlot wine
1tbsp of lemon juice

Prepare the apple: slice them (unpeeled), remove the seeds and add a few drops of lemon.
Melt the sugar in a frying pan for 2 minutes, add the lemon juice and the wine, stir for 1 minute and add the apple. It is done when the apple is golden brown and the sauce is thickened.

Green beans with meat:
Green Beans
1 tbsp Olive oil
2tbsp minced garlic
1tbsp black pepper

In a large skillet over medium heat, mix the beans with the olive oil, garlic and pepper. Stir for 5 minutes. Cut the beef in small pieces, like squares and add them to the beans. Cook and stir until the beef is evenly browned. Reduce heat and simmer for 7 or 10 minutes until beans are slightly tender.



  1. We have a saying (some of us, anyway), that something is "so good it'll make you slap your mama," simply because you can't control your reflexes. I love my mom dearly & miss her, but for me...this tastes so good that she would have to watch out. For anyone who loves beef/steak as much as I do, I hope you try this. Easy to make and, if done right, the taste is so wonderful you might not even want dessert.

  2. How do you cut the apple? sliced and topped on the dish or chopped and tossed throughout? I think the amateur cook in me is gonna try this...sounds delish!

  3. The apple has a pre-preparation. First I sliced them (unpeeled), cored, add a few drops of lemon so it doesn't brown. Then I did all the preparation in a frying pan with the brown sugar, lemon juice and Merlot. The meat with green beans is cooked in a separate frying pan. I will clarify any doubts. Tell me if you liked it. Enjoy :)
