How to pop a cloud

"Popping the Clouds" is a blog created to dream. Imagine a world where dreams could come true, and clouds could be popped like balloons. Tell a story, write a poem, share a recipe, talk about your ideas. Mention your latest book, a song, a sentence, a dream... Feel free to fly and reach the "popping clouds".

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Tear me not

Tear me not when I’m in pain,
Open your mouth and silence your scream
Holding the words inside your chest

Close your eyes and drag those tears away
Dropping them when I am not around

Hide your hands and grab my fingers
Sliding them into someone else’s body

Stop the sound and listen to me
Pretending that you will hear my sorrows

Tear me not when I’m in pain,
Because I ...
I will never tear you again…

Written by: PopCloud


  1. Lindo!!!
    Parabéns Bem!!
    *Por mais tempo que passe e dificuldades surjam, estarei firme e forte, pois sei que posso contar contigo...
    Sei que a nossa amizade é verdadeira, e nas verdadeiras amizades o tempo nunca passa, e as distâncias nunca existem. *

  2. O que tem de bonito tem de amargo e cru!!! Joy

  3. this is amazing, o deep and sorrowful yet so beautiful, its an amazing poem, i hope you keep writing,you have a gift for it.

  4. Thank you Nicole :)) I'll keep on writting, more in portuguese than in english, but I'll do an effort :)
