How to pop a cloud

"Popping the Clouds" is a blog created to dream. Imagine a world where dreams could come true, and clouds could be popped like balloons. Tell a story, write a poem, share a recipe, talk about your ideas. Mention your latest book, a song, a sentence, a dream... Feel free to fly and reach the "popping clouds".

Friday, April 24, 2009

Velejar - Sailing

"Se conseguisse alternar as cores e torná-las mais perto do sonho,
Atingiria uma palete de tons irreversíveis.
Inundaria os oceanos pejados de vida,
E colmataria numa apoteose de lágrimas salgadas espalhadas pelas águas.
Beijaria gota a gota a tristeza que te inunda,
Acalmarte-ia a alma,
Velajaria pelo mundo sem fim,
Com a esperança de te encontrar..."

"If I was able to alternate the colors and to make them close to the dream,
I would reach one paleta of irreversible tones.
It would flood the oceans of life,
And would reach in an apotheosis of salty tears spread by waters.
I would kiss drop by drop the sadness that floods you,
Calm your soul,
I would sail for the endless world,
Hoping to find you... "

Friday, April 17, 2009

If one day

Se um dia me perder nas horas
No compasso de tempo que me mata a solidão,
Se abraçar o mar e revolver as ondas,
Buscando o meu caminho por entre as vagas.

Se um dia a chuva me devolver o choro
E aguentar as lágrimas que brotam de mim,
Que se semeam no chão que paira à minha volta,
Entorpecidas pela dor.

Se um dia as flores murcharem pelos meus passos,
E a revolta se tornar cada vez mais crescente,
Agarrada aos sonhos que cultivo na almofada,
Envolta em névoas que se esfumam quando acordo.

Se um dia este ar que me corrói abruptamente
E me impede de elevar a alma
Não sei que será de mim
Se um dia acordar para o mundo
E não me reconhecer ...

If one day I loose myself in time,
In the beating that kills loneliness,
If I embrace the sea and defeat the water,
Searching my way through the waves.

If one day the rain gives me back the cry
And holds the tears that run away from my eyes,
That cultivate the ground around me
Fading away by the pain.

If one day the flowers die by my steps,
And the anger pulsates even stroger,
Holding to the dreams that I raise in my pillow,
Surrounded by clouds that vanish when I wake up.

If one day this air that kills me inside
And keeps me from elevating my soul
I don't know what to become of me
If one day I wake up to the world
And do not recognise myself ...

Written by : PopCloud

Monday, April 13, 2009

Dolmens and Menhirs - North Alentejo - Portugal

Here are some pictures of my road trip to North Alentejo.