How to pop a cloud

"Popping the Clouds" is a blog created to dream. Imagine a world where dreams could come true, and clouds could be popped like balloons. Tell a story, write a poem, share a recipe, talk about your ideas. Mention your latest book, a song, a sentence, a dream... Feel free to fly and reach the "popping clouds".

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Iris's thoughts

Despite the black cloud that keeps on interfering in my life, I keep on struggling on a daily basis. This is just a path that one has to go through, but I can see the light at the end of the road. Days had gone by while I was supposed to be somewhere else at this time, so the doctors have said, but I'd rather keep on living and enjoy the beautiful life that I have in its fullness! I'm not a quitter, and I will just enjoy the love of those who surround me and help me with my inner strength. Believe ...

Sunday, November 17, 2013


And with the fall comes along the seeds.
I've decided to save some cherry seeds, and after a proper cleaning they are ready to be used as an handcraft work. In the small jar just a few pumpkin seeds that will be used in my vegan dishes.