How to pop a cloud

"Popping the Clouds" is a blog created to dream. Imagine a world where dreams could come true, and clouds could be popped like balloons. Tell a story, write a poem, share a recipe, talk about your ideas. Mention your latest book, a song, a sentence, a dream... Feel free to fly and reach the "popping clouds".

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Flowers in peace

I agree that the flowers must be left in peace,
That the winds must blow only from time to time,
To let them grow and be generous with life,
Even when the soft breeze penetrates their soul.

I agree that the rains must travel daily,
Open their tears to the world and soak the petals,
Embrace the fields open wide when they are coloured
And ready to bloom among the other nature.

I agree that the thunders must roar every day,
Scream loudly at the top of the endless sky,
Fill in the lungs with air and little pieces of pólen,
So it can inhale peacefuly the soft life bellow.

I agree that the sun must shine proudly,
Spread the rays of light through the branches,
Twisting the heat in delicate flowers that pop around,
Switching their colours into a bright tone,
A very peculiar one that will keep on shinning,
Even when the sun is gone.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Cat moments

I am a cat in the world,
One more among the others - you think,
I jump and I walk around the corners,
Lay in a warm day at the top of a counter,
Try to fly and spread my invisible wings
To reach the outside

I am cat in the world,
The one who feels free even inside,
I crawl and beg for hugs,
Lick your fingertips when you give me food,
Capt your attention like a camera
When you are far away in your thoughts.

I am cat in the world,
Feeling love and holding you,
Just treat me well and I'll be your loyal friend,
Embrace me in cold days and
Leave me alone when it's sunny,
I am free but with benefits

I am a cat in the world,
Always by your side no matter what,
I run through the house when I'm happy,
I will guard your shrine when you are not there
And at the end of the day
I wait for your arrival at home
Behind the entrance door

I am cat in the world,
But I am above all
Your cat
In your own world
That you became mine as well ...

Saturday, May 2, 2009

D'alma Fashion & Shop

Popping the Clouds joined a new blog, with a new project. It is called

Here you can see a very peculiar and special collection where you can buy, see the pictures, share opinions, give ideas ... Join another blog done especially for women, and for men who love women ;). Embrace us in this new path and feel free to let us know what do you think about it :)
Most of our products are handmade, others had a renovation so they can be completly new again. We were inspired by the vintage époque, and mainly in the old portuguese lifestyle. Enjoy our culture and buy something in our virtual shop ... why not?
Drop by and explore :)